New Zone: Aaris III

Congratulations to our newest immortal Croop, who joins the RotJ leadership ranks this month. Croop’s first contribution to Revenge of the Jedi is the new planet, Aaris III, a massive 759 room zone that he has worked on for a long time.

Aaris III was a jungle world planet planet located in the Outer Rim Territories and the home world of a reptilian society that flourished several thousand years ago. The civilization was destroyed by a relic that may still exist. The Aaris cities have fallen into ruin, mostly reclaimed by the jungle. At least one science team (led by Doctor Lancer Brunou) has been sent to investigate the ruins of Aaris III and the planet has become a point of contention between the Empire and the New Republic.

Croop’s Aaris III will allow you to investigate the planet yourselves, learn the fate of the Aaris people and no doubt, run across other investigative teams. Having looked over the zone myself, there is some fantastic trigger work on the rooms, mobs and objects making this place a lot of fun. So, if your looking for something new in the level range of 30-80, check it out.

Hyperspace Jump 202