Help Files Online

Revenge of the Jedi has a very robust in-game help system assessed to through the help command. Here you can browse through our In-Game help files online using either a keyword search or searching for a specific topic alphabetically.



Offer, Rent

Usage: offer

For use in the receptions of inns.

Offer makes the innkeeper tell you the cost of storing your
belongings for one day. Remt stores your belongings and exits you
from the game. You re-enter where you rented.

Rent costs 5% your credits, charged daily. If you rent for more
than 20 days, you will have zero credits upon returning.

Galactic law prevents innkeepers from selling the possession of
of patrons who are unable to pay. Therefore, even if you return
with zero credits, you will still have all of your items, weapons,
equipment, and ships.

Should you plan to be gone a long time, and wish to not lose all
your credits, you may have yourself frozen at a CRYOGENIC CENTER
for a one-time charge equal to three day’s rent.

See Also: cryogenic, inn, reception

1 comment

  1. Amy September 11, 2019 9:40 am  Reply

    I may be doing something wrong but have not been able to connect via a MUD client I use in Windows. It fluttered in and out intermittently over the last few days and didn’t work at all for about two. My Internet is up and running with no issues. I have saved the connection file in my client, and I can definitely say that using it worked, even during the days when the ability to connect fluctuated. I haven’t changed any part of it. Have connection details changed, and where might I find them to verify I didn’t make any type-o’s? Thanks so much.

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