New Look

As you probably noticed, the website has a new look. With a purge around the corner, we thought it might be time to update the look of the website. But we also realize that not everyone likes the same looks, so we’re going to allow you to customize.


Once you login you’ll notice a new menu on the left side, below User Menu, called Select Theme. You simply select the theme from the drop down and hit change. Our themes are going to be based on the planets from the Star Wars universe.


The first, and default theme, is Tatooine. Childhood home to Anakin and Luke Skywalker, this small, poor desert planet has managed to feature prominently in the Star Wars universe being featured in five of the six films and countless expanded universe material. It also just so happens to be the starting planet for RotJ mud as well!


We will continue to add additional planets (themes) for your use and if you don’t like the new themes at all, you can always select the Classic theme to keep the old look. Enjoy


— Rohno and Taksun