Home of the Best Star Wars MUD on the Web
The hits keep on coming with two new zones, no more player corpses, and a major Sith Lord overhaul. Check out the full changelist below:
Play the (spoilers, if you have not seen The Rise of Skywalker) endgame of the Skywalker Saga! Levels 80-100. Exegol brings Rey, Ben Solo, and the Reborn Emperor Palpatine into the game. Seek them out at your peril. Designed by Foosha, so you know who to curse for your deaths. Jump 999.
Midbie zone designed for players around level 50. Designed by Viggy, so you know who to thank for your XP. Jump 427.
The Pit is now open!
Buy a key from the Legend 1 shop (cost: 1 QP), then head to the Mos Eisley underground and search out the entrance, to face a new 101 and a new 120.
More mobs have killed enough characters to become Legendary:
New Commands
Evaluate corpse
identifies everything in the corpse. Useful for kills.Showdamage
: shows damage numbers next to your attacks.Screen reader
and mobile
allow players to show that they’re playing from a mobile device or with a screen reader (or both!)Setprompt
now lets you set your prompt, instead of prompt
, to reduce the chance of accidentally deleting your prompt when you type prompt
. Character Corpses Removed
Your EQ now stays with you when you die! You still suffer wounds, subber death (if over level 60), and server death (if served).
Sith Lord Overhaul
Sith Lord received a major overhaul. Here is their skill tree (new and returning skills bolded, changed skills italicized):
60 – Enmity – group Fury
65 – Force Lightning
70 – Fear – 25% attack avoidance when cast on self.
(Note: previously the reduction was much smaller.)
75 – Foresee
80 – Submit – sets alignment to full evil.
85 – Darkness
90 – Despair
95 – Leech Life – regain hitpoints taken from your enemy.
(Note: amount is affected by alignment.)
100 – Essence Transfer
Zone Updates
Exp Upped
Mob classes & levels adjusted
Levels, classes, and XP
EQ from 101s/120s now personalizes on pickup. You can use the above-noted eval corpse
to see the stats of items. You should random
with teammates for items before looting them. To prevent unintentional personalization, autoloot
and get all corpse
do not loot items what will personalize.
SP/QP Exchange Tokens added to the Legend 1 Legend shop.
(Note: this is under playtest and may be removed.)
Warlord Updates
Medic Updates
in space will now show pskill
and cyanogen
to be added to land prompt
added as a command word for quickkill
now no longer requires resources. Cheat
failure cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 300.Trip
no longer fails 100% in combat. Summon Bodyguard
now created significantly more buffer bodyguards. Backstab
now has a two second delay upon success.Objects
Alwolf’s quest:
– Critical hit messages from offensive fighting are now hidden by nospam
special system. (Thank you to reporter: Zaena)Zones
And more…
There are more mob, room, zone, key, door, object, and typo fixes than have been listed here.
Please keep the reports coming with bug
, typo
, and idea
in-game, and in #bugs and #suggestions on Discord.
Thank you for playing!
Huge thanks to Foosha, Viggy, Croop, Inchoa, and Taksun for all the work that went into these updates.
The updates have been coming hot and heavy over the past few weeks, thanks to Inchoa and Taksun, builders like Wily and Foosha, and suggestions from many players in Discord. Log in and check out the new changes, hang out in Discord, let an imm know if you’d like build, and report bugs and suggest changes via the help desk. Here are the latest changes:
A new zone, Den of the White Worm, is now live on Corellia! Designed for levels 25-55, the zone brings the first addition from Solo: A Star Wars Story to the MUD. A big thanks to Wily for building this zone! Follow the smell of trash to find the Den’s entrance.
. Null blade negates the damage reduction by Crucitorn.level
in game to see the new values.Walk nwwww;board
from Port to get to Kallistas.score
, eat, drink, and communicate with other players without breaking cover. Note: If you attack from hiding you will not gain another damage bonus from hiding until a tick has passed.
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is rapidly approaching, so we are all extremely excited and ready for some fun. We’ve kicked that off with a host of game play updates! Additionally, December 12th marks Revenge of the Jedi’s 24th Anniversary! You read that right. We booted up our server in 1995 and there’s no sign of stopping. Here’s a list of some of the events and new features you can see in the game.
Quick Kill
Players now have access to the quickkill command. This command will allow you to forgo having to type in the name of a mob to kill them, it will simply select the first mob in the room and you’ll start attacking it. This is great for just grinding mobs and not worrying too much about what you’re killing. But it could also get yourself killed if you’re not pay attention to who is in the room with you or if they walk in at the last second.
Jaster Mereel sneaks in…
Combat Rounds
Time between rounds of combat have been slightly increased to allow for more player actions and reactions.
Rent is no longer a function of rent price of your objects, but a set per diem price (5%) of your total credits. Cryo is an upfront price of 15% of your total credits. If you remain rented longer than your credits will last (20 days), you will not lose any items when you return to the game. However, you will have no cash
Quit now rents you from anywhere. However, it will cost you double the credits and you will return back to Port on Tatooine.
Items left in a dead mob’s corpse will now disintegrate along with the corpse after 5 ticks. Player corpses will continue to leave behind their contents after deterioration.
Identify is now both a skill and a spell. While the skill is available to all players, it will require that you have a reusable scanner item.
Recall is now a skill that is free to use up until level 30. Otherwise, you may use it outside of combat and on a 30 second cooldown for 1% of your total credits. Single-use recall devices or passes will continue to work the same.
Healing Wounds
Healing your wounds at the Medical Guild now can be done without any credit cost. However, you can still pay credits and they will be healed rapidly. The experience point costs remain.
Primary as Lesser Classes
You are now able to join a primary class as your secondary or tertiary class if you have already reached level 100 in that class previously.
Bash/Sweep immunity
Previous stun immunity has been changed to stun resistance, based on mob level
Subber death
Subber death will now affect server deaths – servers beware!
You are now able to practice, train, and gain levels from your original guild master as well as your subguild master. You now only must visit your subguild GM to join the subguild initially.
Auction stat
Stating an item being auctioned (aucstat) is now free of any credit cost.
Weapon/Ship/armor systems now slowly regenerate their ammunition over time or you can rapidly restock or rearm them with ammunition/resupply items.
Newbie gear
New players are given a reusable scanner upon creation. Also, the Newbie Handlight is now a permanent light source.
Teräs Käsi
You can now rejoin the Teräs Käsi lesser class again without the Skill Point cost if you have previously purchased it.
Clan Withdraw/Deposit
Clan bank accounts will no longer be directly accessible by players, in order to avoid them being used as personal piggy banks. Deposits and withdrawals will need to be coordinated with an Immortal.
RotJ will be moving to an upgraded server between the hours 2AM and 8AM MST on May 10th. The outage should only last about 30 minutes but should the game not immediately come back up, it could be down longer, as it’s likely most of us with access to the magic on button will be sleeping.
It should be noted that our physical IP address ( will be changing with this move but the rotjmud.org:9400 address for connecting will still work.
Maybe we’ll put on some bonuses after the move, thanks for playing,
A big shout out to Foosha for building our newest large zone addition, the Imperial planet of Scarif. Scarif, you may recall, is the tropical home of the Death Star plans a daring group of rebels attempt to steal in the movie Rogue One. Foosha’s Scarif brings you in at the climatic high point of the battle with the Rebel fleet engaging Imperial Star Destroyers and desperately trying to bring down the planet shield gate as heroes on the ground battle to get their hands on those plans. Most of the big names from the Rogue One movie can be found scattered around Scarif, if only you can bring down that shield gate!
With both space and ground combat in the high level 80-100 range and a brand new autoquest, Scarif is an exciting addition for high level players. Go check it out,
Hyperspace Jump 909.
Congratulations to our newest immortal Croop, who joins the RotJ leadership ranks this month. Croop’s first contribution to Revenge of the Jedi is the new planet, Aaris III, a massive 759 room zone that he has worked on for a long time.
Aaris III was a jungle world planet planet located in the Outer Rim Territories and the home world of a reptilian society that flourished several thousand years ago. The civilization was destroyed by a relic that may still exist. The Aaris cities have fallen into ruin, mostly reclaimed by the jungle. At least one science team (led by Doctor Lancer Brunou) has been sent to investigate the ruins of Aaris III and the planet has become a point of contention between the Empire and the New Republic.
Croop’s Aaris III will allow you to investigate the planet yourselves, learn the fate of the Aaris people and no doubt, run across other investigative teams. Having looked over the zone myself, there is some fantastic trigger work on the rooms, mobs and objects making this place a lot of fun. So, if your looking for something new in the level range of 30-80, check it out.
Hyperspace Jump 202
With Star Wars Episode VII approaching, we are quite excited and ready to have some fun.  We’ve kicked that off with a host of game play updates! As is usually the case when rolling out big updates, we took the opportunity to revamp our player and object files while we were in the code, which should make it easier for future enhancements to the game. So….are you ready to start a fresh adventure?
In addition to the approaching movie, December 12th marks Revenge of the Jedi’s 20th Anniversary. Â That’s right, we opened our digital doors way back in 1995. Â Here’s a list of some of the events and new features you can see in the game.
With this new autoquest, Raistlin is also holding a Quest of sorts.  The first three non-immortal players to finish Cline’s Heir will receive a reward at a time of his choosing.  As we just purged, this could take a bit of time to complete.  We are trusting that our immortal staff will not divulge any hints about how to start or complete this quest.
Nearing the end of September I thought I would once again fill you in on some of the game updates over the last couple months.  We’ve had a slight resurgence in coder support, which is always nice and so have been seeing both code and world building efforts making their way into the game.  Some of these changes have been live for a month or two now, while others were surprisingly finished a few hours ago.  Some of us like to surprise.  Also, remember next month is Halloween and you can expect the annual festivities to commence in a few weeks and after that we’ll have our 20th Anniversary coming a week before the release of Episode VII.  Like normal I also want to point you to our facebook page should you want to keep current with game.  Now, on with the update!
Many of you probably remember we used to have a Java script Mud client for playing the game on our previous website. That client went belly-up when the Java became outdated and the original source code was not to be found. Since then we’ve researched Flash, PHP, Java and all sorts of mud clients. They all have had problems. Â In the end, a simple solution was found and I’m happy to say an online client to Revenge of the Jedi is now available. Just click the Play Now button in the Menu!